Be On The Lookout For AI In HR

The center of the Third Annual FICCI HR Conference 2018 is how the advance of technology is affecting the business world at every level. The theme of the conference was “Redesigning HR in the era of the disruptive technology.” What was agreed by nearly all in attendance that today we are facing the most monumental changes in how business is run. Today, nearly every task within day-to-day business operations is moving faster than ever. Especially affected is the functionality of Human Resources and the roles that it plays within their respective organizations.

According to an article which appeared on the People Matters website, Anna Roy, Advisor for DM&A Industry said, “Today the use of disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) is pervasive in all sectors and verticals. Human Resource, being one of most important vertical is bringing new opportunities to the fore and giving rise to new areas, leading to better results.”

AI as well as Machine Learning is reshaping every aspect of life in the workplace from recruiting to training and employee assessment to performance and awards. Overall, Human Resource professionals need to see these tools as making jobs more efficient in the digital age. If your HR system isn’t taking advantage of AI, watch out! You could start to slip in the war of retaining good talent.