Bill Protecting Pregnant Workers From Discrimination Passes House

The House of Representatives has passed a pregnant workers protection bill today called the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. It passed 315-101. According to, the bill would require employers to provide reasonable accommodation for pregnant workers, and prevents employers from denying employment opportunities to women who need accommodation due to pregnancy or childbirth.

U.S. Rep. John Katko and U.S. Rep Jerrold Nadler were the sponsors of the bill. It had passed last year 329-73, but the Senate did not take up the legislation before their term ended, so it had to be reintroduced in the House.

“I’m glad to work across the aisle to advance this important piece of bipartisan legislation to ensure no mother or mother-to-be in this nation has to choose between being a parent and keeping their job,” said Katko.

Katko added, “The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which passed the House today, takes steps to protect pregnant workers from workplace discrimination by implementing a uniform, fair and familiar framework for employers. In effect, this bill enables pregnant workers to provide for their families while remaining healthy and safe in the workplace.” 

It is uncertain how the Senate will vote on the issue, or even if they’ll take it up. We do hope that they take it up and pass it. It would stop a long-standing way of discriminating against a major sector of our workforce.