President-Elect Biden Heralds A Change In Trump Diversity Policy

President-Elect Joe Biden has given a strong signal that President Trump’s executive order surrounding diversity training will be rescinded when the new administration takes office in January.

HR Dive reports that Trump’s “Executive Order on Combating Race and Stereotyping” that he signed on September 22 has already come under intense scrutiny from business organizations and civil rights groups.  President-Elect Biden has said that he plans to “promote diversity and accountability in leadership in all federal agencies. ” 

The President-Elect’s announcement should come as no surprise since choosing Senator Kamala Harris of California as his running mate.  She will be the first woman and the first person of both African-American and South Asian descent to hold such a high office within any presidential administration.

Civil rights groups such as the NAACP hope that the incoming administration will rescind Trump’s executive order. “Of course, we don’t know for sure until they actually do it,” said  Jin Hee Lee, who acts as the NAACP’s Senior Deputy Director of Litigation the groups Legal Defense and Education Fund (LDF).

Last month the NAACP filed litigation against the Trump Administration for its policy to eliminate all language within the federal government’s diversity training, which refers to systemic racism, sex discrimination on the basis that it violates both the First Amendment and the Fifth Amendment.

Companies such as Microsoft, Wells-Fargo, and IBM are looking forward to the President-Elect’s incoming administration and what it will mean for the expansion of diversity within the workplace.  

IBM CEO, Arvind Krishna, sent a letter to President-Elect Biden and future First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden earlier this week outlining his company’s commitment to “promote unity, inclusion and close the skills gap.” 

Krishna also wrote that IBM supports equity and inclusion and has long advocated for the passage of the Equality Act, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the Passage of the DREAM Act, and the resumption of the DACA program.