What To Do When There Is No Reply To A Job Offer

Most job seekers tend to know the types of behaviors along with the dos and don’ts that will get them through the door and into a potential job interview. Even after giving what you might consider what you think was your best interview ever, the waiting really can be the hardest part.

So what do you do if you have gotten through the first or even the second interview and still haven’t heard whether or not you got the job? Monica Torres of the Huffington Post has a few ideas to keep in mind.

The organization may still be conducting interviews

Every organization has its own approach to the hiring process and may require multiple managers to look over a candidate’s qualification or require a certain number of candidates to be interviewed before a final hiring decision can be made.

So what seems like forever for a potential new hire to hear back, may come down to internal policies within the company. According to employment website Glassdoor, on average it takes almost a month (23.8 days) for candidates to hear back from some employers, with others, like government jobs taking nearly two months (53.8 days). The best approach is to try to be patient while waiting.

You might not be the one

Another reason for post-interview silence, according to Torres, is that you may not have what they are looking for. Career Builder found that more than half of job seekers never hear back from companies where they have been interviewed. Because many organizations today don’t take the time to follow up with interviewees, job candidates must take the initiative and follow up themselves; even if it means they weren’t the one who got the job.

Don’t worry: keep applying and interviewing 

Even if you have interviewed for the job that you really want and believe you would be perfect for, rather than worrying, keep applying to other potential employers. It’s essential for job seekers to focus on strong interview performance and asking directly when they might expect to hear of a hiring decision can help them feel less anxious. After the interview, be sure to send a follow-up thank you email, or better still have a handwritten note and drop into a mailbox afterward adds a real personal touch. Candidates focusing on what they can control stand a better chance of getting hired.