Would You Trust Orders From A Robot?

A recent article appearing on the HR Dive website cited a recent study by Oracle in which a large majority of respondents indicated that they would trust orders given to them by a robot.

HR Managers as well as workers themselves are seeing the advantages to embracing new AI technologies and using them to make jobs more efficient, however, managers and executives that reside in the C-Suite are much slower to catch on to the idea.

An astounding 93%% of the HR managers and employees participating in the survey seem to grasp the importance of AI while the organizations that they work for are not preparing workers for the changes.

Some of the reticence on the part of companies could be in part due to the fear that the rapid changes that AI brings and some HR managers fear that they just won’t be able to keep up and adapt to those changes. When asked if they were being trained for a future where AI is more fully integrated into their daily tasks, 72% indicated that they felt their organization was not providing the training necessary and that is creating a cause for concern for those workers who believe in the next few years AI will be making a larger impact than ever in the work lives of employees, regardless of job title.

HR professionals are in the unique position to show both workers and managers how AI can work for them in areas of recruiting and making organizational goals. The field of human resources can help organizations prepare their employees for the disruptions that some of these new technologies can cause. Those companies that fail to plan for these technological changes could lose out significantly in the future. When provided with the necessary tools to help their organizations, HR managers can help pave the way and ease the transition and make it easier for workers and managers and minimize the workplace disruption.