Technology Trends in HR for 2018

Companies are competing more than ever for recruiting top talent, and according to a recent article by Albert McKeon which appeared on the Search Software Tech website, organizations that pay attention to the latest trends in HR technology are the ones that are staying ahead of the curve.

Paul Hamerman a principal analyst and advisor at Forrester, says that advances in technology for HR professionals now is greater than it has been over the last 30 years. He believes that 2018 will see even greater advances in applications and services and especially those that are AI supported.

HR consultant Steve Boese, who is the co-chair of the HR Technology Conference, is seeing more companies make more investments and seeing higher returns on those investments in terms of recruiting and retaining top talent to their organizations.

Some of these advances include HR apps that track the types of work and projects of both individuals and teams and their thoughts and feelings on these, all in a greater effort to not only boost productivity but to also understand productivity drivers for their workers.

According to partner at Information Services Group, Deb Card, HR programs and applications that make use of such data are gaining traction. Ultimate Software, for example, offers an application which utilizes natural language sentiment analysis technology that can get to the heart of what employee sentiments are based on the answers they submit in surveys that are related to their work.

These same technologies through providing similar analytical data can also help HR professionals better understand a potential job candidate.  Through the use of AI and by using specific algorithms recruiters are now able to identify those candidates who best match an organization’s hiring goals and needs.

New technologies are also able to help HR managers to get feedback regarding worker and coworker interaction. With so many high-level firings within the media and the growth of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, the light being shone on sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, many companies have become hyperaware of trying to detecting any potential problems before it starts. Such feedback technology allows workers to give honest feedback to HR about fellow workers or supervisors without the fear that many have about facing a reprisal for having done so.

These and many other technologies featured in the article show great promise and can indeed increase the effectiveness of HR managers and company executives by streamlining what used to be complicated and labor-intensive processes. New HR technologies make it possible for those processes to take less time and run more efficiently, largely through the use of AI.  

Even with all that AI promises in the world of HR, industry experts say that the technologies and their integration are just in their infancy now. Much still depends on the quality of information that these systems have to work with in order to be most effective.

Today’s HR professionals are making use of the latest technologies for their organizations work for. Even when there isn’t an immediate return on investment when embracing these applications, the edge that they give to companies making use of them can mean greater success in the recruitment of new workers and greater retention of existing employees.

At NetPEO, we are a network of companies we can help you find the right fit for the positions you need to fill as well as work with you to help manage your workers, their benefits, and ways that work gets done.

Contact us today to discuss your company’s current needs and goals. We are here to all of your questions and outline how we can help. Call to schedule a free assessment today and get guaranteed results.