What Employers Are Looking For On Social Media

More than half of employers looking to fill open positions within their organizations will routinely check the social media profiles of candidates. According to a recent study conducted by Career Builder, the vast majority of employers (70%) are checking out prospective employees social media profiles before extending an offer of employment. Even after a worker is hired, 43% of employers will perform periodic checkups on the social media profiles of current employees.

HR departments and managers regularly perform background checks which will either support or refute the qualifications and experience that candidates claim on their resume. Social media and search engines make it possible for this information to be accessed. Address, family members, household income and a host of other information can be accessed easily or for a nominal fee from private service providers.

  • 50% of those making hiring decisions for organizations are interested in knowing whether or not a potential employee has or maintains a professional online profile.
  • An estimated 34% are also interested in finding out what past colleagues; friends and associates may be posting about the candidate online.
  • 22% of potential employers are looking to see if a candidate has an arrest record or other negative information that would prevent a candidate from being hired.

Red Flags Online

Because of the increased concerns about conduct and behavior that workers may hold either on or off the job, employers are being much more careful. Social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, WordPress, Blogger, and a host of other sites can give them a better picture into a potential employee’s personality. Employers are looking for any indication of whether a candidate has bad-mouthed their current or past employer, shared any corporate secrets, lied about an absence or has engaged in discriminatory or defamatory comments about others regarding race, religion, gender, etc. They are also looking for inappropriate behavior, excessive alcohol or drug use or other illegal activity.

On the other hand, employers like to see a candidate with excellent communication skills, creativity, whether they present a professional image and may be a good fit for the company’s culture.