Ask any manager how they feel about allowing workers to work remotely from home and you will get a very strong sense of nervousness on their part. Most middle managers and many executives have more than a little trepidation about workers not being where they can be closely watched on a constant basis. HR professionals …
Monthly Archives: June 2016
PEOs and the Gig Economy
Posted On: 06/19/2016 | Categorized as: NewsThere is absolutely no doubt that today’s so-called “gig economy” has created a series of challenges for HR professionals. With this newer style employment option comes additional paperwork, stricter compliances from both state and federal regulators, and a constant turnover of temp workers. For some companies, using a PEO or professional employer organization can help …
Napping in the Office
Posted On: 06/12/2016 | Categorized as: NewsIn Spain and other Latin countries, taking an afternoon nap or siesta was a tradition. In warmer climates, it was considered a healthy practice after the intake of food to rest rather than exert the body. Today, workers know that to maintain productivity, they have to keep an eye on their health. A short afternoon …
Courts go after HR Professionals who Violate Federal Employment Law
Posted On: 06/05/2016 | Categorized as: NewsTreating employees fairly and in accordance with the law is important. Knowing what the law is and sticking to it is of paramount importance to management and HR professionals. Because of recent court decisions, it has been made clear that judges and juries are willing to not only rule against companies who violate labor laws …